formerly known as
Northwest Dallas Suburban Alumnae Panhellenic
About Us
Become a Member
The Northwest Dallas Suburban Alumnae Panhellenic (NWDSAP) is a community-based organization whose membership is affiliated with the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). NWDSAP formed in the Spring of 2013 and is composed of alumnae representing most of the 26 NPC member group sororities and fraternities.
If you are an alumnae member of a national sorority and would like to become a part of NWDSAP, please fill out the Digital NWDSAP Membership Form.
About Us
What Else
NWDSAP offers many educational offerings and opportunities to connect with existing collegiate Greek girls and receive relevant information regarding Recruitment.
About Us
About Us
Register for Sorority Recruitment Support
If you're looking to register with NTAAP, press here to fill out the registration form. Upon registration, you will receive a spreadsheet with both the current preferred process for each sorority as well as a local contact that can serve as a resource for questions and help for her particular sorority. In the event that you are unable to locate a local alumna to write a recommendation for a sorority, you are encouraged to reach out to the local contact for direction. Each registrant will also automatically be placed on a distribution list and receive periodic emails from NTAAP about the latest info and any pending changes to the Recruitment process.