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Suggestions for Getting Organized - BEGIN NOW!


  • Register with NTAAP between January and May 1 AND with your university Panhellenic before their deadline. Each university Panhellenic deadline is different, so you will need to research your particular school to obtain that information. NOTE: Digital information must be delivered to alumna on or before May 1 in order to guarantee a recommendation.

  • Make a list of all of the sororities at the university you will be attending. You ideally want to obtain a recommendation for each house on that campus if required.  

  • Begin asking the women you know if they are sorority members. It is safe to assume that you will need a recommendation from an alumna of that house for every sorority at your university. Talk to friends who have gone through recruitment and find out who wrote their references, particularly if you are having difficulty finding specific alumnae contacts among your circle of friends and family.  If you exhaust your resources, that is when you will reference the document containing contact information for the Area Recruitment Chairs (received via email after your NTAAP registration is submitted).  [NOTE: Please ask each alumna writing a reference for you if she would like you to secure additional letters of support.  The requirement of letters of support varies by sorority and campus; most no longer ask for them.] 


  • You will begin by reaching out to the sorority alumna who is submitting the recommendation on your behalf, whether it is someone you know personally or an Area Chair for NTAAP.  You'll want to include a copy of your social resume and 1-2 pictures of yourself in the email to the reference writer.  The alumna will electronically submit your recommendation to her sorority using the document and pictures you sent her.


  • While “thank you” notes always are appreciated and expected, NTAAP and NPC discourage gifts of any size to the alumnae.

  • Pictures are used so that the girls will recognize you, not to judge you, when you arrive at the party. Make sure it represents you well. 

  • Photos do not need to be taken by a professional.

  • Pictures should be clear enough to be scanned.  However, as mentioned above, we recommend you include an electronic copy to ensure clarity.  DO NOT include others, including a pet, in your pictures.

Social Resume

See Event tab for 3/24 Resume Workshop

  • Click here for a sample of a social resume   

  • Present your scholastic and extracurricular activities and honors in a clear and concise way.

  • List your sorority legacy information. Each sorority has its own definition of a “legacy.” It is generally defined as a daughter, niece, or sister of an initiated member. Some sororities also recognize a granddaughter, stepdaughter or stepsister. When in doubt, list the relative; the individual sororities will determine your legacy status.  Most sororities have eliminated legacy policies that would give courtesy to invitations back on certain rounds.  It is for reference only that you list your legacy.


  • A copy of your school issued transcript is not required, but you should list GPA info on your social resume.

Reference Form

  • Each sorority has its own form, and that form only can be obtained by your sponsor (alumna member who will author your reference). Only one form per sorority is needed.

  • Your sponsor is responsible for submitting it per the instructions of her particular sorority.

  • If you are undecided by the end of April regarding which university you will attend, have your sponsor put a Post-It note on the reference form listing the schools you are considering. Notify her immediately upon your decision, and she will ensure your reference is sent to the correct university.

  • If your reference already has been sent to one university and you change your mind about attending, you will need to create a new packet for the new university, as it is not likely the alumna will be able to get the first one back.

Letters of Support

  • Letters of support are optional and in addition to the reference written by your sponsor.

  • Please ask each alumna writing a reference for you if she would like you to secure additional letters of support.  The requirement of letters of support varies by sorority and campus; most no longer ask for them.

  • They should be written by an alumna member who knows you personally, not just your parents. She needs to say personal things about you that would not necessarily be included on your reference form. Provide your social resume so that she can describe your achievements.

  • No more than two Letters of Support should be sent to your sponsor to include in your packet

Social Networks

  • During the recruitment process, no sorority member will contact you through social media and ask to be your friend.

  • Most forms of social networking (i.e. Facebook, Twitter) are accessible to others, including sorority members. You should clean up your accounts NOW. Be mindful of your security settings, accepting friends, and sharing personal information and private photos online. This type of information will be accessible to sorority members during the entire recruitment process!

If you have additional questions about the process and/or creating your Packet, Kristina Higgins is available to help.

IMPORTANT:  Emails to area chairs should be sent no later than May1.

How to Prepare

North Texas Area Alumna Panhellenic

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