formerly known as
Northwest Dallas Suburban Alumnae Panhellenic


We know it often gets left up to you to determine what to do and how to get it done!
So, here are a few ways you can help your daughter through sorority recruitment.
Know the deadlines and help your daughter meet them. See Timeline for Sorority Recruitment for more information.
Find family, friends, neighbors and church members that are sorority members. Have your daughter ask them to write recommendations. She should also write personal thank yous.
Help with resume and pictures – to be turned in by May 1st for fall recruitment.
Ensure your daughter has registered with NTAAP (now) and her University’s Panhellenic office (Summer)
Understand that legacy status does not ensure a bid to that house.
Ask questions! Call or email the University Panhellenic office for information specific to your university. Reference Chairmen and Alumnae will be able to answer specific questions about their individual organizations.
Expect a lot of stress during Recruitment Week. It is ok to be there on bid day.